Membership Categories

Setting up and editing a Membership Category

Membership categories are used to easily separate specific programs of your business, such as Kids Programs and Adult Programs. Within each category, you can add different Membership Options for payment amount and frequency.

In this article you will learn how to:

  • Understand what a Membership Category is.

  • Navigate the uses of each feature and function of the Details section.

  • Input information for Membership Category.


Membership Category Details


Title & Subtitle: Add a clear title and subtitle so the customer knows they are in the right place.

Program URL: Use this link to share this specific membership category in any of your marketing channels - messaging your customers, loading it up on a kiosk in your lobby, etc.

Membership Category Video: paste a video URL here so a customer can play a short video that you created to educate them and build excitement for this membership

Description: Give a overview in text/copy, great place to include any Family Member sign up details, discount code triggers, etc.


Below you will see Action Buttons to be able to either Save, Delete, Publish, or Cancel.