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How To: Restrict Access to Your Resource Section

Allow only active members in a Membership or Trial program or members with specific ranks to access your resource and videos

Restrict access to your Resources section, links, and videos by rank or by trial/membership/program.


To get started go to Sales Channels > Member App / Portal > Resources:


Then choose "Settings" on the specific Resource Section you wish to edit:


If "set view permissions" is set to "No", then everyone in the app can access this resource section.


Turn the toggle to "Yes" to add view restrictions and allow only certain members, ranks, or trials to access it.


Setting View Permissions

First, choose whether or not to base your permissions on Programs/Trials or on Level/Rank.



If your permissions are based on Programs/Trials, you can choose to give access to All, None, or Custom Memberships and Trials.


When selecting Custom Restrictions, click the drop-down menu and choose the specific memberships in that category you wish to allow:


PLEASE NOTE: If a Membership status is On-Hold or Cancelled, the member will not be able to access the section.

Similarly, if a Trial status is in a "Did not start", "Enrolled", or "Cancelled" status, the trial will not be able to access the section.




If your permissions are based on Level/Rank, you can choose to give access to all levels/ranks or set Custom restrictions:


When selecting Custom restrictions, click the drop-down menu...


and choose the specific rank/levels you would like to include:



Hide This Section


Lastly, choose whether or not you wish to hide this section from those who do not have access:

If you choose "Yes" then the resource section will not be visible for those members.


If you choose "No", then members in other programs/trials/ranks will see receive a pop-up message when trying to access that particular section:


PLEASE NOTE: Your members will need to be logged into the MyStudio app with the EXACT same email address that is associated with their membership in order to gain restricted access.



Don't forget to hit "Save" when you're done!