How To: Fulfill and Manage Retail Orders

To view your Retail Orders list, go to Operations > Retail Orders:


Here you will be able to:

  • #1 - filter by all, unfulfilled, or cancelled orders

  • #2 - displays the date the order was made

  • #3 - clicking on customer name will take you to the order detail

  • #4 - shows the item that customer ordered

  • #5 - clicking here will allow you to change the status of fulfillment for the order 

  • #6 - quickly search customer name or product that was ordered

  • #7 - export a list of all items and the fulfillment status

Clicking on "Unfulfilled" status will allow you to fulfill the order, with an optional note.


Click on the Customer Name to view their Order History.


You will see a fulfillment note for that item and you can "Undo fulfillment" if needed: