ATA Belt Rankings

Make sure your belt rankings follow ATA requirements.


Table of contents


Permissions and accessibility

Staff access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • No access
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio plan restrictions:

  • Belt rankings are only available for growth and scale plans. ATA accounts coming from ATA’s custom multi-location registration will be on scale plans.

Program rank setup


The ATA has specific requirements for belt levels in certain programs. As such, we will need to ensure these are set up correctly in services and products > programs.


To get started, go to services and products > programs > edit the program > step 2: levels and ranks. Make sure that this setting is turned on for each of your programs.


On the left, the levels / ranks section will appear after turning this on. Click into it

If the program is a Tiger Program, please ensure you have the following belt levels listed as required by ATA:

Turtle White Belt

Ara Belt

Tiger Orange Belt

Baeoh Belt

Cheetah Yellow Belt

Cheeri Belt

Lion Camo Belt

Raon Belt

Eagle Green Belt

Suri Belt

Phoenix Purple Belt

Choa Belt

Dragon Blue Belt

Mir Belt

Cobra Brown Belt

Narsha Belt

Panther Red Belt

Baron Belt

For any other program that is not a Tiger Program, please ensure you have the following belt levels listed as required by ATA:

9th Grade White Belt-R

9th Grade White Belt-D

8th Grade Orange Belt - R

8th Grade Orange Belt - D

7th Grade Yellow Belt - R

7th Grade Yellow Belt - D

6th Grade Camo Belt - R

6th Grade Camo Belt - D

5th Grade Green Belt - R

5th Grade Green Belt - D

4th Grade Purple Belt - R

4th Grade Purple Belt - D

3rd Grade Blue Belt - R

3rd Grade Blue Belt - D

2nd Grade Brown Belt - R

2nd Grade Brown Belt - D

1st Grade Red Belt - R

1st Grade Red Belt - D

1st Black-R

1st Degree Black -D

Event setup

In order to utilize our rank updater, you need to ensure your event is set up as a ranked event. Go to services and products > events > edit or create an event > ensure that “is this a rank promotion event” is set to “yes.”


If this was not set to “yes” before registrations occurred, changing the setting will still include those registrations with the updater.

Rank updater



Go to all customers > event participants and filter the table by the specific event. Then you MUST filter the participants list by either “all event dates” or specify an event date. If you do not filter this group and it is set to “all participants,” then you will not see the rank updater option.


Once you have applied both filters, select all or specific participants and click “rank updater” above the table.


Before updating ranks from this page, you need to verify a couple items.


  • Membership: ensure that the correct membership is listed for the rank update. Generally, the system will automatically connect the event registration to the existing membership registration. However, if the participant is not registered for an active membership or if they are registered to multiple, the membership may show as “N/A” instead. 
    • To fix multiple registrations error: check the box next to the participant and click “transfer” above the table. When prompted to select the new participant, select the same participant with the correct program listed in parenthesis next to their name.

  • To fix no active membership error: register the participant to a membership with a start date of today. Then go back to the rank updater list, check the box next to the participant name, and click “transfer” above the table. When prompted to select the new participant, select the same participant with the program listed in parenthesis next to their name.


  • Next rank: ensure the listed next rank is correct. You can correct the level by clicking on the rank in the table and selecting the correct ranking. If the participant did not attend the belt testing or if they did not pass, you can indicate that here as well. This will prevent any change from occurring to that participant’s rank. If the membership listed is N/A, the next rank will also be listed as N/A and no change will occur for that participant.


Once you’ve confirmed the participant, membership, and next rank, check all or specific participants and click “update rank” again above the table.


The system will indicate how many participants will not move to the next rank based on any “N/A,” “did not pass,” and “did not attend” next rank statuses. Once confirmed, the update will occur and a date will be listed under “updated date.”

Note: an updated date will also be listed for “did not pass” and “did not attend” statuses. However, the rank itself will remain the same. This date is to indicate that the student had registered for the ranked event and that event was already processed for passed levels.


Fixing accidental rank updates

ATA has specific requirements for fixing belt ranks if a participant was accidentally moved to a higher rank. In order to downgrade a participant’s rank:

  1. Contact ATA HQ: ATA will need you to inform them of the downgrade so that they can process the rank downgrade with you in their system and make sure guidelines are followed.
  2. Create a new event: create a new belt testing event and register that participant to it.
  3. Downgrade: follow the same steps as before with the rank updater, but click on the “next rank” listed in order to change it to the correct, downgraded option