Custom API and iFrame

If you have a website that is not connected to MyStudio, learn how to send leads from your website to MyStudio and how to integrate your offerings into your website.


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Staff access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • No access
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio plan restrictions:

  • None




If using Zapier in conjunction with the custom API, you will need to pay for a Zapier pro account and will be charged per zap according to their pricing. See Zapier’s pricing page here: Workflow automation plans


Custom API


While our Zapier integration allows you to send leads from MyStudio to other platforms or from other platforms to MyStudio, our custom API keys only send leads from other platforms to MyStudio. 


To begin, you will need to ensure you have sources and program interests set up in all customers > leads > settings. Otherwise, any leads coming into MyStudio will show as source “not specified” and program interest “not specified.” Some of these things cannot be edited later.


To create the API key, go to integrations > custom API and click “create a new API Key.” Then name the API key so that you can differentiate multiple keys.



You can add multiple API keys for your different needs. They will then display for you to copy the key, delete the key, and see when the key was created.

Once you have your API key, you can enter it into a Zapier zap webhook, or code it into your website. If you are creating a Zapier webhook, enter the following information:


Note: You will need to pay for a Zapier pro account beginning at $19.99 / month billed annually. Zapier also charges per zap.


If you are hard coding the API callback, you will need to parameterize the data by entering the following code snippet, where the bold and italicized text symbolizes the data customers will enter into the lead capture fields:












Source: enter one of your source options such as “Facebook” instead of the underscores. This would be the platform you are hard coding the lead capture into, such as “website” when you’re placing this code into your website. This must match EXACTLY as you’ve entered in your all customers > leads > settings > source section. It is case sensitive.


Program_interest: enter one of your program interest options such as “After School Program” instead of the underscores. If you have more than one program interest listed in all customers > leads > settings > program interests, then you will need to fill out this parameter listing for each program interest. This must match EXACTLY as you’ve entered in your all customers > leads > settings > program interest section. It is case sensitive.


Campaign: you can either enter “yes” or “no,” but you can also enter a specific lead campaign title that you created in automations > lead campaigns.


iFrame tags allow you to embed links into your website. This means you could attach different offering URLs directly into your website. To do so, locate the URL you would like to post. Remember that most offerings have a main URL that will show all listings, specific URLs that will show individual listings and specific options URLs for event and membership options that will show only that specific option.


Once you’ve located the url, place it inside the iframe tag within your desired website code location:

<iframe src="https://putyourURLhere"></iframe>