Task Manager

Assign tasks to your employees through the task manager. Keep track of these tasks and their progress, view notes, and see your employees’ performance statistics.


Table of contents


Permissions and accessibility

Staff access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • Cannot attach files to tasks or access task manager settings
  • Staff
    • Can only access their tasks

MyStudio Plan Restrictions:

  • The task management plus add-on allows you to access all task history and upload files to the task. The add-on is $29 / month, but the add-on is not required to utilize the task manager.
  • Starter plans do not have access
  • Growth plans can only see 90 days of history without the add-on
  • Scale plans have access to upload files to tasks without the add-on. Can see 1 year of history without the add-on



Notification settings


Access the task manager settings from operations > task manager > settings. The notification settings cover which types of notices staff will receive. You can choose to send them notifications when:

  • Tagged in a comment
  • Assigned to a task
  • Task details have changed
  • Task that is assigned to them is past due

General settings


The general settings cover the following options:

  • Allow staff to change due date: if this is set to “yes,” staff will be able to edit the due date on their tasks. If this is set to “no,” then they will not be able to edit their due dates.
  • Allow staff to delete tasks that they did not create: if this is set to “yes,” staff will be able to delete any tasks, even if they did not create them. If this is set to “no,” staff will only be able to delete the tasks they have created.
  • Allow staff to tag customers and participants in tasks that they create: if this is set to “yes,” then staff will be able to specify which customer or participant a task is for. If this is set to “no,” then staff will not be able to specify this detail.

Task types


Since you can specify the type of task it is, you can add custom task types in the task types settings. Click “add new task type” to add a custom type. These can be edited or deleted at any time. We have three default task types that cannot be edited or deleted: follow up, check in, and other.



Instead of writing out a task repeatedly, you can choose one of our system templates or create a custom template. Access the templates through operations > task manager > templates > custom. Click “add template” and fill out the following details:



  • Template name
  • Type
  • Details
  • Recurring option
    • Day of the week: option only appears if you choose weekly recurring
    • How long it recurs:
      • Ongoing
      • Ends on: specify a date
      • Ends after: how many times the task occurs
    • Add checklist items


You can edit or delete a custom template at any time.



All tasks


The all tasks section displays all tasks, or you can specify a staff member from the top drop down. You can select a specific date from the calendar on the left. To add a new task manually, click “add new task” at the top. You will then enter the same information as the template creation as well as:

  • Customer / participant: if the task involves a specific customer or participant
  • Assign to: assign to a specific staff member
  • Enter date and time


Each task ticket will show the primary customer involved, the date or time the task is or was due, a portion of the task description, and the initials of the staff assigned.


Tasks will appear in the active or past due columns based on their due dates. You can mark a task as complete by clicking the circle. If this is done unintentionally, you can click the circle again to re-activate it.


If you click on the task, you will see an overview of the task where you can send a mobile message or email to the primary customer or view / edit the details of the task. You can also complete the task from here.

If you select to view / edit details, you can view and edit the details of the task. You can also do the following actions:


  • Lightning bolt at the top right
  • Complete task
  • Copy task
  • Delete task
  • Add an internal note at the bottom
  • Add a file: only available if you are on Scale plan or you have the add-on


Note: the search bar at the top right will only search for what is in the details of a task. It cannot search for customers.




The performance section shows you valuable information on staff workload, progress, and performance. At the top of the page, you can choose a specific staff member and a date range for performance, workload, and progress. Different graphs will show in the cards below.


All staff performance

This graph will show an overall performance comparison score between your staff.



This graph shows a comparison between staff members for their workload.



This shows a progress bar visual of completed vs in progress tasks per staff member.


Performance comparison

This shows a comparison of the performance for the current time frame vs the previous time frame. For example, if you selected “last 30 days” for the performance metric, you would see that time frame compared to the 30 days before that.


Workload comparison

This shows a workload comparison for each staff member of their current workload vs the workload in the time frame prior. For example, if you selected “this month” for the workload metric, you would see a comparison of each staff member’s workload for this month vs last month



The history section shows a history of all created tasks and note logs. You can view all history or specify a staff. You can also specify the time range for how long you can see the history. 


The history section also has MyStudio plan restrictions:

  • Growth: can only see up to 90 days of history
  • Scale: can only see up to 1 year of history


You can see a full history if you purchase the task management plus add-on! The add-on is $29 / month, but it is not required to utilize the task manager.