Task Manager - Overview

The Task Manager allows you to create tasks for your staff and track your team's performance in completing these tasks.



All Tasks + How-To: Add a New Task


View all upcoming, active tasks, see which tasks are past due, and track which tasks have been completed from your main All Tasks dashboard:


The calendar on the left-hand side will show you which days have had tasks assigned (green is today's date, red dates have an overdue task, and gray dates have an upcoming task assigned)


Use the calendar icons next to Active, Past Due, and Completed to select specific dates and see only active, past due, or complete tasks on that date:



View All Staff tasks or specifically view tasks assigned to a particular staff member:


PLEASE NOTE: When your staff are logged into their staff accounts, they will only be able to view and access certain tasks based on their access level (for example: "staff" level access will only be able to view tasks assigned to them while "admin" level access can see tasks assigned to themselves and others)


Click "Add New Task" to create new tasks for yourself or for your team.


You can use one of our pre-made templates or create your own custom task!


Choose an existing task type or create your own unique type based on your studio's needs.


Enter in the specific task details and search your current customers/participants to select who the task is applied to (if any -- this section can be left blank for tasks not related to specific customers):


Select a staff member to assign the task to


PLEASE NOTE: this will show you all your current created staff accounts under My Account > Users and Permissions -- you can NOT add new staff accounts here.


Select a date, time, and task frequency


The Custom option allows you to create unique recurring events with specific end dates or only a set number of times:


If your task has multiple parts or steps, add check list items:


Once you have your task fully set up the way you want, click "Add Task" and it will appear on your calendar!




Click into the performance section to track your staff's performance on tasks.


This section allows you to track:

  • Overall Staff Performance (what percentage of tasks were completed past their due date vs on time and how many tasks are still overdue)

  • Staff Workload (how many tasks are being assigned to each staff member -- helping you make sure the tasks are being divided equally and which staff members may need help)

  • Staff Progress (how many tasks are completed, overdue, or upcoming per staff member)

Overall Staff Performance and Workload can also be compared to the previous time period (i.e. "Last 7 Days" compares these last 7 days to the previous 7 days and "Last 30 Days" compares these last 30 days to the previous last 30 days).


Choose to view all staff or specific staff members and customize the period of time you wish to view:





Use the History section on the left-side menu to view a record of added, updated, deleted tasks, etc.


You can view all history or history by specific staff members and change your date range





The Task Manager settings allows you to update your notification settings, general settings, and task types.


Notification Settings allows you to set specific notification emails for your staff members and (coming soon) set up in-app notifications:


General Settings allows you to turn certain settings on or off including allowing your staff to change due dates, delete tasks they didn't create, or tag customers and participants in tasks that they create:


Task Types allows you to add, edit, or delete task types based on your studio's needs:





Use the templates section to create task templates.


This is a great option for tasks that you perform frequently - saving you time when you need to create the task again!


Use our System templates (provided for you but you can edit them as needed) and/or create custom templates of your own.