My Account Settings

The my account section holds valuable settings such as adding staff members, allowing ACH payments, and adding your business information. This article goes over the general settings in the my account section.


Table of contents


Permissions and accessibility

Staff access:

  • Account Owner
    • Full access
  • Admin
    • No access to “payment processing options”
  • Manager
    • No access
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio plan restrictions:

  • The allowed number of users and permissions is dependent on your MyStudio plan.
    • Starter: 0
    • Growth: 10
    • Scale: 50


Payment processing options


The payment processing options allows you to select whether customers can use ACH (bank withdrawals) as valid payment methods. If this is set to “off,” then ACH will not be shown as a payment option at any registration points or in the POS settings.


If this is set to “on,” customers can use ACH in the member app and URL registrations. You can also further select which types of transactions are allowed to have ACH payment methods from operations > point of sale > settings.

Users and permissions

Account owner


The users and permissions section will first show you the information of who is currently logged in to the system and when their last login was. You can also change the login password by clicking “change account password.”

Staff accounts (X of X)


Next, you will see a list of your staff accounts. The number of staff accounts allowed is dependent on your MyStudio plan:

  • Starter: 0 staff
  • Growth: 10 staff
  • Scale: 50 staff


To add a staff member, click “add staff account.” Fill out the first name, last name, and email of the staff member. Then select what kind of staff member the recipient will be.

  • Admin: Admin have full access to the system except for the payment processing option mentioned above.
  • Manager: Managers, generally speaking, have access to contacting customers, editing registrations for customers, and managing a customer’s payments. They do not have access to edit any setups of your offerings or automations.
  • Staff: Staff members will only have access to their assigned tasks, the public point of sale, the attendance portal and dashboard, retail orders, and the customer access page in the sales channel.


Additionally, you can specify which items from the analytics section the staff member can see.

  • Sales: This shows your sales analytics. If this is deselected, the section will not be visible to user accounts.
  • Active members: This shows the membership analytics for active members. If this is deselected, user accounts will not see this specific table.
  • Retention: This shows the retention rate of memberships. If this is deselected, user accounts will not see this specific table.


Note for admin: Although you can deselect these items for admin accounts, the admin accounts have access to change them back.


Note for managers: Managers will always have access to trial and lead analytics. If active members and retention is deselected, they will see the membership analytics section, but nothing will load. However, deselecting sales will not remove gross totals from the payment history section.


Note for staff: You can deselect these options, but staff do not have access to the analytics section in general, so selection does not make a difference at this time for these types of user accounts.


Once you have filled out the fields to your liking, click “send invite.” Your staff member will then receive an email prompting them to create a login. Until they do this, it will say “has not accepted invite” under the staff member’s name.


You can see each staff member’s last login in the list and can edit their information or permissions at any time by clicking their name.

Add additional emails


You can add additional email addresses in this section. These email addresses will receive system notifications for sales confirmations, referrals, and trial and lead registrations. If you would like to add more than one, separate each email with a comma.

Business information: business profile

The business profile section contains important information about your business. Most if not all of this should have been set during onboarding, but if you skipped it or if you need to edit it later, you have access to it here. It contains the following fields:

  • Business name
  • Company website
  • Studio address
  • Time zone
  • Studio phone number
  • Studio email: We highly recommend having a domain email here. If you need assistance verifying your email or setting up SPF records to your domain, please see this article: Professional Email and Domain Connection
  • Studio type


Business information: business logo


The business logo section allows you to upload your studio logo to MyStudio. Your logo will show in the member app and registration points. Ensure that the logo is 250 x 75px for the general logo and 650 x 650px for Facebook sharing.