
The resource section in the member app has many benefits, including announcements and class schedule images, but its main function is to provide lessons and videos for students to master different elements.


Table of contents


Permissions and accessibility

Staff access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • No access
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio Plan Restrictions:

  • None


Adding section


Resource sections act as the main category of the resources within it. To add a resource section, go to operations > member app / portal > resources and click “add new resource section” from the left column. Name the section.


You will then be redirected to add subsections. Subsections are the documents or video links. Click “add subsection,” and enter the following information:



  • Sub section name
  • Description or details
  • Video or resource URL: these can only be URLs. This means that if you need to add an image or a document, it will need to be uploaded into a drive such as Google drive in order to get a URL for it.
  • Select if video or resource opens in a new window




On the left, you can click into the settings of a section. Here, you can edit the name, upload an image (up to 400px x 200px), and set view permissions.

View permissions


View permissions prevent access from those who do not meet the criteria. If you set view permissions to “yes,” you will need to choose the following:


  • Type of permissions
  • Base permission on programs/trials: only specified programs and trials can access the resource.
  • Base permission on level/rank: only specified ranks can access the resource.
  • Hide section: if this is set to “no” then others will be able to see the resource option but won’t be able to access it. If this is set to “yes” then those who do not have access won’t see it at all.


Lastly, you can delete sections and subsections at any time. To delete sections, click “delete section” on the left. To delete a subsection, click into subsections for the section in question and click “delete subsection” for the one you want to delete.


You can also share the resource URL to others by copying the access URL on the top of the section list.