Trial Status Conversion Automation

Get daily task work done automatically by utilizing our trial status conversion automation which will automatically change the status from "Active" to "Enrolled."




The trial status conversion automation will convert your trials from an active or custom status to enrolled automatically once the member achieves the registration requirements you set. This saves you time from having to manually update these statuses and also keeps your conversion data clean.


Permissions and Accessibility

Staff Access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • Access to see the conversion
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio Plan Restrictions:

  • Because this is an automation, the automation quantity limitations per plan apply:
    • 5 campaigns for premium and white label plans
    • 10 campaigns for growth plans
    • 20 campaigns for scale plans

Growth and Scale plan can upgrade to the add-on and get unlimited numbers of campaigns for $39 per month




The trial status automation setup can only be found in Automations > Trials > Templates under “Trial status conversion.” Click on this template to make changes and activate it how you’d like.



Give the automation a title and then make edits to the following settings:

1) Who can enter this automation: enter the starting trial registration date. The automation will apply to only those trial members who registered for the trial on or after that date. This also works retroactively, so if you enter a date far in the past and that trial member met those criteria in the past but was not changed to “enrolled” prior, the automation will change their status once you activate the automation. 


NOTE: The conversion in your Analytics section will affect the month that the member had signed up for the trial. So if a member was in the trial in March, but the automation occurred in April, then the March analytics for conversion rate will change. This also goes for bulk updating prior members if you set step 1 to occur a long time ago.


2) Entry conditions: 
    • Trial: Select whether this automation affects all or specific trial registrations.
    • Registration type: Select whether this automation will activate when a member registers for any program or event, specific programs and events, or one or the other. If you would like to only activate the membership for program registrations, choose “Specific program or event” and only select from the programs list.



3) Action: there are no selections made in this section. This section simply shows you the purpose of the automation, which is to change the trial status from active or custom to enrolled.

NOTE: This automation will ONLY change the status from “active” or custom statuses to enrolled. It will not affect “Deleted,” “Cancelled,” or “Did not Start” statuses. You can create custom statuses from Services and Products > Trials > Settings > Statuses.



Once you’ve made your selections, save the automation and choose whether to activate it right away.


Statistics Table


In Automations > Trials, you will see the table for communication statistics. For the status change automations, you will instead see a conversion number showing the total number of conversions the automation accomplished.  You can click on this number to see a full list of the members affected by the status change.



This new page will show you the following information:

  • Buyer
    • Participant: Clicking on this name will redirect you to the participant profile
  • Phone number
  • Buyer email
  • Date: The date the status was changed to “enrolled”
  • Registration event: what the member registered for that prompted the status change
  • Trial: which trial they were enrolled in


On the main automation statistics page, you can also edit the automation again, or delete the automation from the action drop down.



  • I have a member who was in a membership before registering for a different trial. Will the automation change this trial status even though it’s for a different interest?
    • The status of an active trial will not change unless a different registration happens after the trial start date.