
How to read your Upcoming payments section


The Upcoming payments section contains a list of payments that will be due in the short future. You can see an approximation of your future earnings based on a data range.



Permissions and Accessibility

Staff Access:

  • Admin
    • Full Access
  • Manager
    • Full Access
  • Staff
    • No Access

MyStudio Plan Restrictions:

  • None






At the top of the section, you will see the following filter options: 

  • Category
    • All Categories: shows all types of upcoming payments in the table
    • Memberships: shows only membership upcoming payments in the table
    • Events: shows only upcoming event payments in the table
    • Trials: shows only upcoming trial payments in the table
    • Retail: shows only upcoming retail payments in the table
    • Miscellaneous: shows only upcoming custom charges in the table
  • Date Range
    • Last 30/60/90 Days: shows only upcoming payments that will occur in the next 30/60/90 days
    • Date Range: This unlocks the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields so users can choose a specific future date or date range. This is helpful for those who want to see potential income trends for a particular month.
    • All: shows all future upcoming payments up to a year in advance
    • Month-End-Date: shows transactions that will occur from the current date to the end of the current month. For example, if today is February 22, the table will show transactions that will occur from February 22 - February 28.

Statistics and Data


Above the table, you will see a gross total for the upcoming payments as it pertains to the date range selected. This gross total includes admin and processing fees and tax.

You can export the table’s information to a CSV file by clicking “export.” You can also search for specific transactions, buyers, payment types, etc. in the search bar.

The table displays various information about each transaction. Some columns worth noting are:

  • Due Date: shows when the payment will be due based on a payment plan setup.
  • Buyer: clicking on the buyer name will redirect you to the upcoming payments within the specific registration internal page.
    • From this page you can click on an upcoming payment and choose to apply a payment or manual credit towards the payment, edit the payment, or delete the payment.



  • Mobile Phone Number: if a customer has unsubscribed from SMS and the phone number is listed as such, you can click on this phone number to send a request for the customer to re-subscribe to SMS.



  • Email: clicking on the email will allow you to send an email to the specified customer. If the email is unsubscribed, you can click the email to send a request for the customer to re-subscribe to email. If the email has bounced, you can click the email to unblock the email.



  • Gross: shows the full payment amount. Gross total = Product Fee + tax + admin and processing fees.
  • Status: This will always say “pending.”
  • Payment Type: 
    • Scheduled Billing: billing that occurs after a registration occurs. Example: a customer registers for a membership that has monthly payments. This includes if the first payment is taken at a future membership start date. This is generally the type of payment seen for upcoming.



Related Subsections and Functions

  • Registration Pages
  • Email Communication
  • Mobile Message Communication