V2: All Payment Transactions

The transactions page in payments offers an in-depth analysis of revenue, past due payments, and disputes. It helps you track financial performance and manage payment-related issues efficiently with detailed visualizations and comprehensive tables.


Table of contents


Permissions and accessibility

Staff access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • Full access
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio plan restrictions:

  • None



When going into the payments > transactions > all payments section, you will see a list of all payments that have occurred month to date. At the top, you can filter between your upcoming, pending, past due, and refund (coming soon) activity lists. 

Table and actions

In all payments subsections, you will see all payments that happened month to date according to their status. Above the table you can:

  • Search: search for a specific payment activity
  • Filter by date: choose a date range filter for the table
    • Yesterday
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last quarter
    • Last 12 months
    • Month to date
    • Year to date
    • Custom: select a date range from the calendars on the right


  • Category: choose one or multiple product categories you want to see activity for
    • Memberships
    • Events
    • Trials
    • Retail
    • Miscellaneous
    • Class/appointment


  • Payment method (coming soon): choose one or multiple payment methods to filter the table
    • Credit/debit card
    • Cash
    • Check
    • Manual credit
    • Ach bank transfer


  • More filters (coming soon): make selections for what you’d like to see in the table
    • Due date
    • Completed
    • Completed (refunded)
    • Refund
    • Partial refund
    • In dispute
    • Dispute won
    • Completed (dispute)
    • Chargeback
    • Amount: min and max amount


Your filters will automatically save so that you don’t have to re-select filters, and you can clear the filters back to default by clicking “clear.”


The table will default to show you the following columns:

  • Gross: gross profit
  • Net: net profit
  • Tax
  • Status
  • Buyer: click this to open the action items for the payment - see below
  • Participant
  • Date of processing
  • Payment release date
  • Due date
  • Payout id: the id associated with the Stripe data
  • Payout status
  • Mobile number
  • Email
  • Category: the type of product purchased
  • Product name: the main title of the product
  • Product detail: the options within the product purchased
  • Manual payments
  • Payment methods
  • Payment type

However, above the table, you can click on “columns” and deselect any of the current columns that you don’t care about seeing. The only columns you cannot deselect from view are gross, status, and buyer name.


If you want to reorder the columns, click the dots in this list and drag the column to where you’d like it or drag them on the table itself.


If you want a specific column to stay put while you drag the table for more info, click the pin in this list. You can pin up to three data points.


You can also export the table into a csv file by clicking export. If you would like to export only specific information, you will need to utilize the search bar and filters.



In the history subsection, you can click on any of the listed payment histories and see further details about the payment, timelines (coming soon), and can take any necessary actions such as refunds, dispute handlings (coming soon), reruns, etc.


Coming soon: for completed transactions, you can also download a pdf receipt of the transaction that you can send to the customer.


Upcoming (actions coming soon)

In the upcoming subsection, you can click on any of the listed upcoming transactions and:

  • Apply credit to this transaction (coming soon)
  • Edit billing date (coming soon)
  • Modify registration (coming soon)
  • Cancel transaction (coming soon)
  • View registration (coming soon)


Apply credit (coming soon)


If you select to apply a credit to an upcoming payment, you will be prompted to enter the credit amount, up to the full price of the payment, and the credit method. Credit methods include:

  • Manual credit
  • Cash payment
  • Check payment


Important: a manual credit acts as a coupon or an on-the-house transaction and does NOT affect your analytics or payout amounts. The transaction is effectively canceled and on the house.

Edit billing date (coming soon)


If you select to edit the billing date, you will be prompted to edit the billing date.

Modify registration (coming soon)


If you select to modify registration, you will be prompted to change the quantity of the events registered. Please see our article on events for more information about this process: Events.

Cancel transaction (coming soon)


If you select to cancel the transaction, you will be deleting the upcoming payment. This action cannot be undone.



In the pending subsection, you can click on a pending transaction and fulfill actions based on the status, or reasoning, for the payment being in pending. These include:

  • Cancel payment (coming soon): this status will allow you to cancel the payment
  • Sca pending: this status will allow you to authenticate SCA payment in an attempt to rerun the payment


Coming soon: this subsection also allows you to check any of the pending payments and click “cancel payment” to delete the pending payment.


Past due


In the past due subsection, you can click on a specific transaction and either rerun the payment if it was paid with a credit card or ACH, or you can apply credit to the transaction.


Coming soon: if you select to apply a credit to an upcoming payment, you will be prompted to enter the credit amount, up to the full price of the payment, and the credit method. Credit methods include:

  • Manual credit
  • Cash payment
  • Check payment


Important: a manual credit acts as a coupon or an on-the-house transaction and does NOT affect your analytics or payout amounts. The transaction is effectively canceled and on the house.


You can also check multiple past due payments and rerun them simultaneously.


Any past due payments that require an SCA verification will prompt you to verify identity.