Zapier integrations can send leads from platforms to MyStudio or send your leads to other platforms.
Table of contents
Permissions and accessibility
Staff access:
- Admin
- Full access
- Manager
- No access
- Staff
- No access
MyStudio plan restrictions:
- None
You will need to pay for a Zapier Pro account and will be charged per zap according to their pricing. See Zapier’s pricing page here: Workflow automation plans.
Key points for Zapier
- The trigger is where leads enter
- The action is where leads are going
- To get leads into MyStudio, the trigger is where they are coming from, and you’ll create a webhook for the action so that they go to MyStudio.
- To get leads to another platform, you will create a webhook for the trigger to take leads from MyStudio, and the action will be the platform the leads are going to
- Since both scenarios require webhooks, Zapier requires you to be on their premium/pro plan.
Get leads
Access the Zapier header API key and action URL from your MyStudio account > integrations > Zapier. When creating a webhook action in another platform to send leads to MyStudio through Zapier, you will need to create a zap and enter the following information:
- URL : found in the integrations section
- Header:
- Text: past the API key you copied from MyStudio
Send less than 300/day leads: catch hook trigger
Catch hook triggers transfer your leads from MyStudio into another platform such as Mailchimp. This type of trigger is specifically used if you are transferring less than 300 leads per day and is an instant data transfer.
1. Create an account or login to Zapier
Create a Zapier account or login to your existing account. Then click “create” > “zaps” from the menu list.
2. Zapier - add trigger
Click “trigger” to begin setup and select “webhooks by Zapier.”
Under event, choose “catch hook.”
3. Copy webhook URL
In the trigger setup, go to the “test” tab and copy the webhook URL.
4. MyStudio - add trigger
From MyStudio > integrations > Zapier, click “add trigger” and select “add Zapier catch hook trigger.” Then fill out the following fields:
- Name: name the catch hook trigger
- Zapier target URL: this is the webhook URL you copied from your Zapier account
- Add lead: check this box to ensure all leads that enter your system get transferred to the platform you are connecting
- Update lead: check this box to ensure updated information gets updated in the other platform you are connecting
5. Send sample
Once the catch hook is added to MyStudio, click “send sample.” This will send test data to Zapier. In your Zapier account, you will notice a notification on the left for status. Click this and choose “test step.”
This will create test data on the right.
Choose “continue with selected record” below the test data to confirm the connection.
6. Choose action
Next, select the app you would like to send leads to from MyStudio. The event for these will be different depending on the platform you choose.
Note: If you would like to connect to Twilio, check further down in this article to see a step-by-step guide.
Once you’ve filled out the event details, click “continue.”
7. Turn on zap
Once you have completed the trigger and action steps, turn on your zap by clicking the toggle at the top left. This will activate your webhook! Now when leads are entered into your MyStudio account, they will also enter into your connected platform.
Send more than 300/day leads: retrieve poll trigger
Retrieve poll triggers transfer your leads from MyStudio into another platform such as Mailchimp. This type of trigger is specifically used if you are transferring more than 300 leads per day and updates every 10 - 15 minutes.
1. MyStudio - add trigger
In your MyStudio account, go to integrations > Zapier and click “add trigger.” Select “add Zapier retrieve poll trigger.” You will then be given the Zapier action URL that you also see in the “get leads from other platforms section.” Copy this URL and save it for later.
Additionally, copy the Zapier header API key from the “get leads from other platforms section” and save it for later.
2. Create an account or login to Zapier
Create a Zapier account or login to your existing account. Then click “create” > “zaps” from the menu list.
3. Zapier - add trigger
Click “trigger” to begin setup and select “webhooks by Zapier.”
Under event, choose “retrieve poll.”
4. Enter info
Fill out the following fields:
- URL: this is the Zapier action URL you copied from MyStudio
- Header:
- Text: past the API key you copied from MyStudio
Click continue.
5. Test
In step 3, test the trigger. This will create test data on the right. Choose “continue with selected record” below the test data to confirm the connection.
6. Choose action
Next, select the app you would like to send leads to from MyStudio. The event for these will be different depending on the platform you choose.
Note: If you would like to connect to Twilio, check further down in this article to see a step-by-step guide.
Once you’ve filled out the event details, click “continue.”
7. Turn on zap
Once you have completed the trigger and action steps, turn on your zap by clicking the toggle at the top left. This will activate your webhook! Now when leads are entered into your MyStudio account, they will also enter into your connected platform.
Twilio - Zapier connection
Connect Twilio
For Twilio connection, first complete steps 1 - 5 for either catch hook triggers or retrieve poll triggers.
In the action phase, choose Twilio and select and event (such as send SMS).
After continuing, you will need to sign in to Twilio with your account SID and Auth Token.
This information can be accessed from the bottom of your Twilio homepage.
Set up action
This is where we will set up the action step that Zapier/Twilio takes when a new lead is added in MyStudio.
See below for two specific examples:
How to: send yourself a text for each new lead
STEP 1: Select the "from number"
You should see the number(s) associated with your Twilio account listed here. Select the one you wish to use from the list provided.
STEP 2: Input the phone number where you wish to receive the text notification (your number or a business number)
Note: You can skip the alphanumeric sender ID step if you are not using these. To learn more, check out Twilio's article HERE!
STEP 3: Compose the message. You can insert data as needed into the message to send yourself information such as buyer name, email, phone number, and program of interest!
OPTIONAL: Input media URL as needed and choose to send large messages or not.
Note: Larger messages are priced as multiple messages. You can learn more about this and the cost involved by checking out Twilio's article HERE!
STEP 4: Once you have your action step set up how you would like, you'll want to test the action and make sure it works.
Double-check that the information you input is correct and then click "test & continue"
Note: If you are texting your customers, the "to number" is invalid and you won't be able to complete the test. Please click "skip test" and continue on.
If the test was successful, click turn on zap to start your integration!
Note: if the test failed, please check out the error message you received and make changes as needed.
How to: send your leads an automated text
STEP 1: Select the "from number"
You should see the number(s) associated with your Twilio account listed here. Select the one you wish to use from the list provided.
STEP 2: Type in the number 1, and then insert data for the lead's mobile phone.
Note: You MUST type in the country code (number "1" for US) or Zapier will NOT recognize the phone number format!
STEP 3: Compose the message. You can insert data as needed into the message such as the buyer or participant's names!
OPTIONAL: Input media URL as needed and choose to send large messages or not.
Note: Larger messages are priced as multiple messages. You can learn more about this and the cost involved by checking out Twilio's article HERE!
Step 4: Once you have your action step set up how you would like, you'll want to test the action and make sure it works.
Double-check that the information you input is correct and then click "Test & Continue"
Note: If you are texting your customers, the "to number" is invalid and you won't be able to complete the test. Please click "skip test" and continue on.
If the test was successful, click turn on zap to start your integration!
Note: if the test failed, please check out the error message you received and make changes as needed.
Facebook - Zapier integration
Connect Facebook - trigger step
For Facebook connection, log in to Zapier and create a zap. In the trigger step, choose Facebook Lead ads, then choose new lead under the event.
Click continue and sign in to your Facebook account. Then, in the trigger phase, select the business Facebook page and the lead form you created in your Facebook account.
Facebook will generate a test Lead to ensure the connection is working. Select the Lead sample and continue.
Action step
In the action step, choose webhooks by Zapier, and select "post" in the event drop down. This ensures any new leads that are captured in your Facebook Ad are automatically added into your MyStudio lead list, and can begin to get your marketing automation.
You will then need to fill out the following fields in the action step:
- URL: copy and paste Zapier action URL from your MyStudio control panel into Zapier fields.
- Payload type: select JSON
- Data: copy and paste the following MyStudio header info , as needed, exactly as they appear into the header fields:
- Buyer_first_name
- Buyer_last_name
- Phone
- Program_interest
- Source
- Participant_first_name
- Participant_last_name
- Campaign
Note: keep in mind that some other platforms will only provide some fields for integration. We only need a (Buyer_first_name OR Buyer_last_name) AND a (Email OR Phone) for successful integration into MyStudio.
- Headers: copy the ZapierHeaderAPIKey from MyStudio and paste the key into Zapier.
Click "test" to test the integration. Edit the name of your zap if you'd like and turn it on.
Then do a couple of opt-in from your Facebook Ad to see the leads appear straight into MyStudio.