Program Automation - Overview

Automatically create tasks, send emails, in-app messages, and SMS messages to your Program participants with Program Automations

Program Automations allows you to:

  • Create automations based on Membership start date, end date, level/rank, or status.

  • Set the automation for all live program, all participants, or by specific programs.

  • Add emails, mobile messages, or tasks for your automations.

  • Include exit conditions for participants to be removed out of your automations.

This automation feature is useful for studios to be able to have communications and tasks created and sent out to their Program participants and staff automatically.



Step 1: Automation Type


After adding the Campaign Name for your Program Automation, you will be able to select what type of condition you would like to use for your automation. You have the options to select Status, Level/Rank, Membership Start Date, or Membership End Date:




Step 2: Who Can Enter This Automation


In Step 2, set up whether you want your participants from all programs, all live programs, or specific programs to be entered into your automation. Afterwards, you will apply the Program Automation start date for when you would like for the automation to begin:




Step 3: Automation Start Time


In Step 3, input the start time that you would like for your automation to begin sending communications and tasks at. Do not forget to select the correct time zone:




Step 4: Entry Conditions and Actions


In Step 4, add workflows for emails, mobile messages, or tasks to be created and sent out. Conditions — such as entry conditions and exit conditions — will need to be added for the specific workflow that you are editing/creating:


Learn about the Automation Types for Status, Level/Rank, Membership Start Date, and Membership End Date!