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  3. Customer Access - What It Looks Like For Your Members

Member Portal > My Account (Mobile Version)

Welcome to the My Account section of your customer's member portal - Mobile App version! -- To see our web app version, please click here.


This is where your members and customers can:

  • View their full registration and purchase history

  • Cancel and reschedule upcoming classes

  • Update their customer and participant information

  • and update their payment method!


How to Access The My Account Section

When your customers log into the mobile app and click the three-bar menu, they can click on My Account and be taken to their full account overview!


They will then be able to access their account Purchase Summary, Primary Payment Method, their own Buyer Profile, and their Participant Profiles.


PLEASE NOTE: If your customer has any failed payments, a pop-up window will appear letting them know which payments failed and prompting them to update their payment method.


They will not be able to access the rest of their account without updating their payment method and processing the failed payments -- learn more about our failed payment automation system here!


Purchase Summary

The first section your customers can view is their account Purchase Summary:


Here, your customers can view all of their purchases/registrations for all Classes, Memberships, Trials, Events, Retail, and Miscellaneous Charges-- To learn more and see what each registration section looks like when opened, please click here!


This is also where your customers can cancel and reschedule their upcoming classes -- Learn more about this process here!


Primary Payment Method

From this second section, customers can view and update their primary payment method for future purchases AND apply it to existing memberships or recurring billing schedules.


This works for both Credit Cards and ACH Bank Accounts -- Learn more about ACH here!


PLEASE NOTE: If your customer updates their recurring payment method from credit card to ACH or vice versa, they will see a screen that looks like this, confirming their new total with the updated ACH or credit card processing fees.


You will be able to view all updated payment information under "Info" on their Buyer Profile in the All Customers section.



Your Profile


This section allows your customers to view their buyer profile information and update it as needed. This is also where your customers can add additional emails to be cc'ed on all their communications!


PLEASE NOTE: this will only affect the information saved on their buyer profile and NOT the information saved on existing memberships or their login email.


You will also be able to view this updated information under "Info" on their Buyer Profile in the All Customers section.



Participant Profiles

Lastly, your customers can view their existing participant profiles:


If they click "Edit" they can update the participant's name and date of birth:


You will also be able to view this updated information under "Info" on their Buyer Profile in the All Customers section.