All Customers Overview

The all customers section provides you with a list of all your customers divided into different subcategories. This provides easy communication and other management tools to specific groups of customers.


Table of contents



Permissions and accessibility

Staff access:

  • Admin
    • Full access
  • Manager
    • Full access
  • Staff
    • No access

MyStudio plan restrictions:

  • None



In the all customers section, you can perform different actions for managing your customers, including:

  • Communication via email, in-app messaging, or SMS (with add-on)
  • Export registration and payment information
  • Change payment methods
  • Disable member app access
  • View registration details
  • And more!

Who is a "primary customer"?

A primary customer is anyone who has shown interest in your programs (i.e. leads) or has registered for a membership, event, trial, class, or purchased a retail item. They are also known as buyers.


For information on our primary customers section, check out our article here:

Primary Customers


Who are "participants"?

Participants are the actual registered participants for a specific membership, event, trial, or class. These are the members utilizing your services.


NOTE: the primary customer can also be the participant, but there will be a separate primary customer profile and participant profile for the same person.


For information on our participants sections, check out one of our articles here:

All Participants

Program Participants

Event Participants

Trial Participants


Who are "additional users"?

Additional users are members who need access to all info associated with the buyer profile (except payment method) and also need access to restricted areas such as class scheduler and resources. This allows a separate customer from the primary customer to have access to the same participants' information. Many times, the additional user is either an additional family member, separated spouse, or teen participant.


For information on our additional users section, check out our article here:

Additional and App Users


Who is a “lead”?

A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest in your offerings but hasn’t made purchases or registrations.


For information on our leads section, check out our article here:



Who are "app users"?

App users are members who have logged into your member portal but have not made any purchases or registrations. They are similar to leads, but differ in that they have not reached out to you for more information.


For information on our app users section, check out our article here:

Additional and App Users



Search all


When you first click on all customers, you will be brought to “search all” section. Here, you can search for specific names, emails, or phone numbers in order to find a member. When the information is pulled up, you will see:

    • Customer name
    • Type: primary customer (buyer), participant, lead, app user, additional user
    • Member portal: an icon symbolizes the customer has app access
    • Last contact: time that has passed since last contact
    • Total payments
    • Past due
    • Customer for
    • Username: the username the customer uses to access the app. This can be either from logging in with a username and password or through Google, Apple, or Facebook. The username is the same as the email attached to the account.
    • Email
    • Mobile phone number


    You can click on any of the customer names to access the profile. 


    Additionally, you can check the boxes next to all or select names and do any of the actions listed above the table:

    • Mobile message: send an SMS or in-app message
    • Email: send an email. You can also click the email within the table to send an email
    • Member portal access: disable or enable a customer’s access to the member app
    • Delete: the only customer types that can be deleted from this page are app users, leads, and additional users. Primary customers MUST be deleted from the primary customer profile after all registrations have been canceled.
    • Merge: combine duplicate customers into one profile. See our merging article here for more information: Merging
    • Export




    In all customers > settings, you can create participant custom fields. These are used for various purposes such as listing emergency numbers, allergies, allowed pick ups, etc. Add a new custom field by clicking “add new field” and labeling it.


    You can edit or delete the field at any time by clicking the pencil icon or the trash icon respectively. You can also choose whether the information is displayed in the participant data tables.


    These fields are not displayed during registration. Instead, they are attached directly to the participant account and the information is added by going to all customers > all participants > click the participant name > custom fields.